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Principles and usefulness of a fireproof tarpaulin


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feu - bache ignifugée

Baches-Direct explains what fireproofing is and under what circumstances we must use a fireproof tarp.

What is fireproofing?

It is the fact of transforming a material which at the beginning was flammable into a non-flammable or at least hardly flammable material. And to do this, we use different treatments, materials, manufacturing processes that will allow certain materials to become less flammable than possible according to the standards in force (see below).

For example, this fireproofing technique is used with certain plastic tarpaulins to make them more or less combustible: these fireproof treated tarpaulins are recommended, or even compulsory in certain sectors of activity. 

In France, there is a scale of 6 standards for this type of fireproof tarpaulin which define the level of fire safety and reaction to fire of materials: 

  • M0 : incombustible like plaster, stone, glass or cement.
  • M1 : not flammable but combustible without danger to humans.
  • M2 : not very flammable like wall-to-wall carpeting.
  • M3 : moderately flammable like wood or rubber.
  • M4 : easily flammable like paper or carpets.
  • M5 : very easily flammable.

Why use a fire-retardant tarp?

It is very useful and essential in the industrial field and during construction sites using extremely flammable products. For example, in the building sector during painting or welding. Nowadays, we see more and more tarpaulins covering the scaffolding. They protect both passers-by and workers or residents of the buildings concerned. The city of Paris frequently uses it during its urban renewal work.

It is also essential for all indoor and outdoor events, such as concerts, sporting events or exhibitions. Fireproof tarpaulins must be used by the organizers to ensure the safety and protection of both exhibitors and participants.

These plastic supports are not only protective coatings, but can also be of advertising interest because printed they turn into great communication media.  

Finally, a fire-retardant tarp is also mandatory in closed places that accommodate people such as exhibition halls, casinos or nightclubs. Shops, hotels or restaurants are also affected by these fire standards.

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